
APN settings for Verizon Samsung Galaxy S5 on Cricket

To get data service on a SMG900V GS5 on Cricket here's the Access Point Name settings under Settings>More Networks>Access point names I am getting H+ service not LTE but with better transmit and receive in remote locations than with the cheap Cricket and other prepaid phones.

Wait, what was I hunting?

Today is the 7th day of the Elk hunt. While we have seen Elk, the only herd on public land was well outside of access. Mule Deer, Pronghorn Antelope are recurring encounters, as are all the normal birds except Blue Grouse and small furry critters like Cottontail and Squirrels.    The Elk we have seen in the mountains were staying well away from roads and trails, in other words inaccessible without pack animals. DIY hunters trying to road hunt undoubtedly play into that and that is why every legitimate guide in the state of Colorado uses pack animals, mainly Horses.    So we are trying low elevation, low hunting pressure public land near water sources and farmland. Pronghorn territory and more of a wintering ground for Elk and Mule Deer but given the dryness and high pressure in the mountains, that's what we are going with. Without knowledge or skill we are going by feelings here. Shed hunting is a side effect of being on low traffic lands

Elk season and van drama

Alright, laptop bit the dust a little while ago. I can afford to but don't want to replace it, yet...  From now until late September I am busy spending a lot of time in the woods, in the pursuit of Elk on an OTC(Over The Counter) either sex tag. Not a productive use of time or fuel but it's more important than just meat,  hide and bones to do it.  Today I am in town because of van drama, turns out even though it sounds horrible that the source was the harmonic balancer breaking in half,  cheap repair that involves swearing like a sailor and crawling under the van. Needless to say I will be leaving it broken and noisy for now and maybe fixing it on one of the times I'm in town making money. Still recording video even with endless technical difficulties in the mean time I am writing this blahg to test my ability or rather patience when it comes to writing on a phone.

Genesis 1:26 & 2:7 godS and Adam the Golem?

   I am no minister, I am not ordained and I am trying my best not to put ideas in anyones heads, just pointing out some things I find interesting. So today we look at the book of Genesis in the Christian Holy Bible.   First thing is background on what a "Golem" is. In Jewish mysticism, based around the Kabbalah or "tradition' said to be handed down from Adam. A Golem is a creature or monster cast in the shape of man. shaped from clay, mud or dust. Brought to life by the word "Truth" in Hebrew.    So let us look at Genesis 2:7 NIV And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being   Adam was nothing dust in the shape of a man until the spirit entered his body? Interesting.    A closer look in Hebrew shows Lord as Yahweh, who we know as the "Jealous God of Israel" but God reads Elohim, which is the plural of El(Power). There's also an "Et...